Please provide the Order #, which can be found on the Marketplace tab of your account.
Please let us know which login method you use for your account.
If you do not know your Username, please enter "Unsure" or "N/A".
Please provide the new email address you would like associated with your account.
Please provide your top 3 choices separated by commas and spaces for a new username. Please keep in mind that usernames must be compliant with our Code of Conduct:, and should not include spaces or special characters.
To find your Subscription Tier, you can review the Marketplace tab of your D&D Beyond account.
Providing the link will help your support agent to better understand the issue and provide the most effective assistance. URLs where the issue occurred, such as the Character URL, Campaign URL, Encounter URL, or Homebrew URL are most helpful.
Please visit and provide us with the link intended for support teams.
Please enter the details of your request. A member of our support staff will respond as soon as possible.
Providing proof of purchase, such as a copy of a receipt or an order number (#), can avoid any unnecessary processing delays as support staff reviews your request.
A screenshot of the issue can assist your support agent in offering the most effective assistance.
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