What should I expect to see on the My Characters screen?
The screen will list all characters that you have created as well as the option to create new characters. You will be able to access the profile screen with additional options such as the sign out button. The following are the possible circumstances that you might see here:
- If you have characters: The characters will be listed with basic information along with the create new character button available.
- If you don't have any characters: The app will display a label that informs you that there are no characters with the create new character button available.
- Error: The app may display an error message with a button to retry.
What happens when you move between online and offline statuses?
If you open the screen while offline, the app will display a banner with this information. The list of characters will show the state when you were last online. This applies to the sheet as well. When you open a character sheet while offline it will show the version of the sheet that was last opened when online.
When you open a sheet that has never been opened before while online, the app will display an error screen with the Refresh button.
When you go online again, the app will automatically hide the banner and fetch the latest list of characters.
How do I refresh my character list?
In order to refresh the list, you can either use the pull-to-refresh gesture or completely exit the app and open it again.
Can I edit, copy or delete characters through the player app?
There is no way to edit, copy or delete characters. These options are available on the website and will need to be done there.