Sometimes we need a little more information about your browser to assist you with your problem. This article will help you obtain the correct information to provide us while we assist you.
How to find basic information about your browser
Please start by going to This website will do a quick check and give you most of the information that we would need to assist you.
You will see a page that looks something like the image below.
As you can see, this can tell you the version of browser, Flash and Java that you have installed as well as if they are outdated or not.
How to use this info to Troubleshoot
A lot of times users experience problems when something on their browser is not enabled or is outdated. If you are having issues please check the website listed above. Find out if you have JavaScript or Cookies disabled or if your browser, Flash or Java needs updating.
Try enabling or updating to see if that fixes the issue.
If you are still experiencing problems please submit a support ticket to us here so that we may assist you further!