The Master Tier subscription allows a subscriber to enable content sharing for up to 5 campaigns that they are participating in! Each of these campaigns can have up to 12 participants (13 counting the DM)!
Enabling Content Sharing for a campaign means that any content unlocked by any participant (player or DM) within that campaign is able to be used for items or character creation within the campaign!
Anyone in a campaign can unlock content and share it as long as one person (doesn't have to be the DM) has a Master Tier subscription and has used it to toggle content sharing on for that campaign!
How do we do it?
Clicking on the “Enable Content Sharing” button at the top of a campaign will provide a prompt asking for confirmation:
Clicking on “Confirm” will enable content sharing for each member of the party!
Perception check passed! If a member of the campaign has recently purchased new content or enabled content sharing and the content is not appearing, we recommend checking to ensure that then entire party’s Entitlements are in sync.
What do we need to know?
All content can be shared! If a single piece of content is purchased rather than a whole book, that piece of content can be shared! This also works for Legacy content that is no longer purchasable!
For characters in this campaign! Shared Content can only be accessed if a player has a character in a campaign and that character is “Active”.
Content has to be enabled on the character as well! In order to use shared options, the source material must be enabled on the character sheet as well. More details on enabling content on your character can be found here: Enabling Content Categories for your Character Sheet.